Be prepared to sell your home in advance with full exterior photos.

If you’re a homeowner, there’s one thing you definitely want to do this summer. When your yard and house are looking their absolute best, you want to be sure to capture those beautiful spaces with full exterior photography.

You never know when life or job changes are going to happen. You might need to sell your home on short notice so it’s always best to be prepared and showcase your home in its best light. Many times, that’s accomplished by having full summer photos on hand, which we call “green photos.” In addition, if you live on a lake, have acreage, live on a golf course, or just want to sell a community, you might also want to consider drone photography.

For any of our readers thinking of selling their home in the next couple of years, our team will pay for green photos. This is a benefit included with all John Schuster Group listings. If you think you’d like to know what your home could sell for in today’s market or if you have any questions, please go to or feel free to give us a call anytime at 952-222-9000.