Unlock potential savings by contesting your tax assessment now.

It’s that pivotal time of year for homeowners in the Twin Cities: notifications from local counties about new tax-assessed values are arriving. With the steady rise in home prices across the area, it’s no surprise that property taxes for many homeowners are on the upswing as well. However, are you aware that Minnesota law requires assessors to estimate the market value of land and buildings? This market value is determined based on the likely selling price in an arm’s length transaction within an open and competitive market.

Assessors set these property values annually as of January 2nd. But the question arises: Is your property’s assessed valuation accurate? Homeowners often have just a few weeks to challenge their tax-assessed values, and understanding your rights and options is crucial.

“Don’t miss out on the opportunity to review and contest your tax-assessed value if necessary.”

If you’re questioning the current market value assigned to your home, we’re here to assist. At the John Schuster Group, we offer our expertise to help you navigate this process. By providing a custom market analysis, we aim to ensure your property is fairly assessed, potentially saving you from overpaying property taxes.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to review and contest your tax-assessed value if necessary. Visit our website at JohnSchusterGroup.com and click on “Connect” in the upper right corner, or directly reach out to us at 952-222-9000 for personalized assistance. We’re ready to support you in securing a fair assessment for your home today.