Critical information you need to know about protesting your property taxes.

Have you received your county home tax valuation in the mail yet? Recently, we’ve noticed that the tax assessor is raising home values faster than ever before. You may have also seen a significant increase in home values over the past few years. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep an eye on these adjustments every year to ensure that they accurately reflect the value of your home and that you’re not paying more than you should in property taxes.

If you believe that your county home valuation is incorrect, you can protest it. You can contact your local assessor directly. Just make sure to examine recent comparable home sales in your area, or you can hire an appraiser for an appraisal valuation.

As always, you can visit our website for a free home valuation to get started with this process. You can also contact us at (952) 222-9000 or send us an email if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!